Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Great Pause

Again, been over a month since I posted last and now I'm really starting to see things clearly.

Every day brings forward a new insight or observation that in some cases, completely renders past viewpoints obsolete.

For example, in my last post I was raving about David Wilcock.

No more. I now know what he REALLY is trying to do.

Just like with Stephen Greer who I never liked. An obvious disinformation agent.

Just like David is.

Now, this was an insight that... sprung upon me in incremental steps. It is like... finding a piece of a puzzle here, a piece there, and it all forms into this picture that I can't ignore and realize that I was thinking about it all wrong before. In most cases, these insights aren't even... sought. I wasn't looking to discredit Wilcock but... I was lead to information that showed me the truth of who he is.

Including "randomly" coming across a guy on Facebook who was giving away FREE stickers that look like this:

Last week he sent me a HUGE amount of free stickers in the mail along with a tshirt. I was shocked at how generous he was with the contents. I've been plastering these stickers in random locations across the city since. At least one per day.

He also has a website available here.

Now... I wasn't... an anti-alien guy before.. well, earlier than a month ago. I didn't COMMIT to the idea of aliens being unwanted on this planet. I know.. this is a very strange view to have but as someone who has been interested in the subject since six or seven years of age, I have to say that it is quite an evolutionary jump I've made in my opinion on this topic.

What does this have to do with Greer or Wilcock? Get a load of this.

I've always felt that something was *off* about these guys and other people who promote a POSITIVE image of aliens and wanting disclosure to happen, etc.

What was that off feeling? I could never figure it out even though I can find myself nodding along in agreement with some of the arguments proponents have made for alien disclosure.

Now I realize that revealing the existence of an intelligent/advanced race at THIS time in our history would be DISASTROUS for the collective psyche. It's BAD enough already with the NWO attempting to put humanity on it's knees. It'll be even worse if aliens were tossed into the mix.

Now... A lie is only effective when it is perceived to be truth. How can you make someone believe a lie?

Tell the truth MOST of the time.

This is what these "benevolent" alien shills are doing.

They give us that info we crave about intelligent lifeforms and UFOs and discuss their technologies about how amazing it would be to heal people or to use anti-gravity or travel to faraway planets in the blink of an eye, etc.

What they DON'T tell you is that the GOOD aliens (yes, there are good and bad ones) WILL NOT directly intervene with the evolution of our planet in a way that would establish contact with us.

Why? Because it would be in violation of the quarantine that they have placed around us. I don't feel like discussing what the quarantine is or why or how, but the Van Allen belt exists for a reason.

The GOOD aliens DO work as engineers. As watchdogs. As stewards of our planet. The... wizard behind the curtain, let's say. Ensuring that we don't wipe ourselves out through war or even disease like we are dealing with the "virus" right now.

Let it be known that covid was intended to be MUCH MUCH worse than it turned out to be.

We can thank the extraterrestials who are in alignment with God for that.

Now... What Wilcock and Greer want to do is garner public sentiment to introduce (and accept) this other group of aliens. The EVIL aliens.

Evil aliens who abduct people. Mutilate cows. Aliens who live underground and among us and manipulate powerful figures to do their bidding.

THOSE aliens are...



The good ones are angels.


It took me a long while to really find evidence to support this conclusion. As I said, I've been into this stuff from a very young age. I DO keep up with alien/ufo news and books and articles and accounts. Been doing it for years.

And... I have often wondered if that was the case. Maybe in the Bible and the Koran and other historical accounts that discuss demonic entities or visitors were really talking about aliens.

What the hell else could it be? Why would a demon be different than an alien?

Look at these images and tell me that these inspire anything but fear in your heart. Or... some form of... distancing because.. it just doesn't look like a creature that anyone would want to actually interact with.

Name me ONE instance of alien abduction/visitation where.. the victim has had their life radically transformed for the BETTER after coming into contact with these things.

I can't think of a single example. All those years of reading and not one case I can think of.

You think Betty and Barney Hill enjoyed their experience? Whitley Strieber has lost his mind and every other abductee like Travis Walton gets ridiculed and shunned and fall into depression and... man...

The GOOD aliens KNOW this. They KNOW these evil entities DO exist and they are in BATTLE with them.

The quarantine exists for a reason. Because we are under protection. We are being watched.

We are more important than we realize to these creatures.

I have heard of accounts of abductions and experiences with aliens that had the victims call upon the name of Jesus Christ and strangely, it works.

I wasn't sure what to make of that over all these years. It was a puzzle piece I kept on hand to fit into a larger picture later.

Now... That larger picture has revealed itself.

Yes. There are aliens. Yes UFOs are real. Yes they have been around as long as we have. Yes some do live here. Yes there was a war between them in our history. Yes there has been technological developments in which these beings get credit for.

We've always had angels and demons fight over us.


Since day one.

And now... this invisible war continues with covid-19.

The Lucifierian elite are... doing their best to have us all cower before them enough to hand over the reigns of power.

Fully and completely. Because we're scared.

But it's not working.

The plandemic is not having the effect they hoped it would.

Most of us are not scared of the virus. We're more frightened by the government. The authorities that tell us we need to stay home and wear a mask each time we go out and the entities that censor public discourse on YouTube and Twitter... THOSE are the real things we're most frightened by.

So... interesting times indeed.

As I realize all this... I find myself becoming ever more nearer to God himself.

I feel so much more connected. And grateful to be given what I now know and understand.

And blessed.. so blessed for what is to come in my future.

I have cried a few times over this. Cried over seeing people fight back in the YouTube or Twitter comments and various other places.. Watching this battle take place and the valiant warriors who are pushing back the horde.

Trump is the general of God.



Well... I know more than this... I just don't want to write about it all.

I've been making preparations lately. My heart is pulling me in several directions. Compelling me to do certain things that I don't quite understand the reason for, but trusting it just the same.

There... is so ... much... I could write about.

This blog... even... has revealed to me it's purpose.

And now... I understand why I wrote in it for all those years.

I understand why I chose not to make it public.

I understand... what it was intended to be for.

And... I love you. Dear reader. I love you...

I don't know what date you're reading this on but I hope you go over my history and see that I am a real human being in the flesh.

And come to your own conclusions about the evidence that shall be revealed.

In time.

Meanwhile, I think I will be taking a long pause. A great pause as my title indicates.

Until... the time is right.

For as the war rages on...

I am not going to stand idly by.

But I am not going to do anything more than what is needed, either.

I have gone through a lot before... I've earned a reprieve.

I've earned a seat in the audience.


It's humanity's turn.