yay, over a month without a post, a NEW RECORD! actually this is pretty much par for the course, as lately I've been finding it hard to get the energy to post anything on here.
tons of new stuff has happenned, including the acquistion of GUITAR HERO which makes me silently shed teardrops of joy. New apartment, two and a half weeks off of work, the xbox 360, and of course xmas parties with the familia.
I have to say that no human being should ever have to endure the agony of being in the company of a group of excitable, passionate, friendly POLISH people that converse in their native language, especially when your vocabulary consists of swears and "where's the bathroom". I can't properly describe the sensation my brain feels when I'm asked to "sit down with us and have a beer!" among five others and then listening to them babble in what could have been Klingon for all I know. Seriously, if you ask a non-native speaker of your language to join your group, you show him/her a little courtesy by babbling in english for the time that they're present.
So I'm sitting on the couch, trying to drink my beer as fast as I can and my eyes are desperately searching for visual stimulation, but I had the choice of watching some fat polish chick on tv sing christmas carols or watch the blinking lights on the tree. Guess what option I chose? Yeah, that was the longest seven minutes of my life.
Still managed to survive, and now I'm gearing up for the big move. I'm somewhat surprised at all the junk I have here, I mean why exactly am I hanging onto a plush gnome that is holding a mug of beer in his hand? I've also found some tupperware that had a black greasy mass inside, obviously the remains of some long-forgotten scraps of nourishment that I've failed to consume. Or a dead alien, or Jimmy Hoffa.
This move can't come soon enough. I'll now be able to sleep in without having the damn laundry machine being turned on at 9am, god help me, I will get my revenge for that somehow.
Merry Christmas everyone.